• Posted 01/08/2018 11:46pm

Continuous Improvement Culture

CIC Blogg

PeopleMAD were thrilled to host our Southland FarmTune farmers and their teams for our 2018 Tune Up day in Winton at the end of June. 

Almost 50 farmers came together to introduce their new team to continuous improvement (lean) culture and revisit the key FarmTune concepts ready for the 2018/19 season. 

With new team members joining a team that is already focused on FarmTune and Lean thinking it was an important opportunity to help everyone understand the continuous improvement approach to farming. This involves:

  • Identifying how we do things now (the current state);
  • Tapping into the knowledge of the whole team to find out what isn’t working or could be better, easier, faster or safer (our opportunities for improvement);
  • Root cause problem solving which helps us get to the bottom of issues and address them effectively (as opposed to putting a band-aid on the symptoms);
  • Redesigning our processes and applying FarmTune/lean solutions to make things easier, better, faster and safer and implement improvements (creating a new future state)

It was really exciting to see the team members take responsibility for their role in creating and sustaining a continuous improvement culture.  Like the All Blacks, these teams committed to operate as a team of leaders and recognised that they can use continuous improvement thinking to “build it better” on farm over the next season.

The teams left the session with an action plan to help them do exactly that:

  • capture all ideas and suggestions from the team including their ideas about opportunities for improvement (tapping into the unused talent);
  • developing people by sharing skills and implementing lean solutions which build capability, productivity, quality and competence (value adding activity);
  • tools and practical examples of workplace solutions (6S tools) which help reduce waste and frustration (non-value adding activity or waste) on farm and make work easier, better, faster and safer.

If you’d like to find out more about our upcoming FarmTune programmes please contact us. 

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Continuous Improvement Culture

PeopleMAD were thrilled to host our Southland FarmTune farmers and their teams for our 2018 Tune Up day in Winton at the end of June.

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